Central Asia
Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan
Final Evaluation of Rural Development Project in the Framework of the EU Central Asia Invest (CAI) Programme - implemented by Hilfswerk International 2016 - 2019 (Evaluation: from October 2019 - March 2020)
Papua New Guinea
Establishment of a platform for exchange of know-how and best practice among parishes active in agriculture in the Archdiocese of Mount Hagen/Westen Highlands Province - September 2015 - March 2016
Main Activities:
- Survey of all parishes with agricultural land;
- Organisation of 3 workshops for parish farmers on coffee growing, livestock and crops,
- Establishment and incorporation of an association: Diocesan Agricultural Consultative Committee;
- Development of a planting schedule for all parishes;
- Talks with major buyers of fruits and vegetables to link small farmers to the market;
- Preparation of storage facilities and transport logistics for village farmers.
Feedback: Very positive experience of what a highly skilled and qualified adviser can contribute even in a relatively short period of time, Archbishop Douglas W. Young, Mt. Hagen
Feasibility Study for “AlpDorf Balderschwang” (Germany) – an integrated project for the joint development of alpine agriculture, tourism and municipal infrastructure – August to December 2013
Main Activities:
- Complete check of local enterprises’ and households’ attitude towards the project (bilateral interviews based on standardised questionnaires);
- Refined concept for the on-site processing and marketing of local agricultural produce as well as the cooperation between alpine farmers and tourisms enterprises;
- Research of building and equipment costs for a dairy, slaughtering and biomass energy generation plant in a number of variants next to a deli shop in the village centre;
- Market research for the envisaged product range;
- Evaluation of long-term economic viability of all designed variants (in various scenarios);
- Marketing strategy for the envisaged product offer, analysis of sales opportunities;
- Exploring options of public co-funding;
- Identification of opportunities for inter-municipal cooperation in realising the project.
Adviser / Task Manager at the Delegation of the European Commission to Bulgaria for Private Sector Development, Small and medium-sized Enterprises, Banks – February 2001 to August 2006
Main Activities:
- Reporting on economic reforms and EU accession negotiation chapters linked to private sector development and banks;
- Managing EU pre-accession aid (PHARE programme) in the field of Economic and Social Cohesion, including Life Long Learning and Vocational Education, Training, Business Incubators, Grant Schemes for the introduction of Quality Management Systems in SMEs (in total > 50 M EUR); programming and monitoring of project implementation, supervising calls for proposals and tendering procedures, reporting on progress as well as the effective use of disbursed funds;
- Supporting the preparation of project documents (Project Fiches, Terms of Reference and Technical Specifications) for Services, Supplies, Works and institution building projects (e.g. strengthening the administrative and legislation enforcement capacity of government institutions);
- Programming and implementation monitoring of several Grant Schemes related to advisory services, quality management systems, legal compliance, research and development;
- Participation in evaluation committees (Delegation staff and external experts, communication contractor, etc.);
- Liaison with the management of related line ministries, government agencies, professional and civil society organisations;
- Assessment of private sector investment proposals by International Finance Institutions (EBRD, IFC) linked to EU technical assistance;
- Representing the EC at the Supervisory Board of the EBRD Bulgarian Post-Privatisation Fund
Head of Austrian Trade Commission in Sofia – December 1998 to October 2000
Commercial Counsellor of the Austrian Embassy to Bulgaria (December 1998 – January 2000)
Main Activities:
- Country-specific advice to exporting and investing companies, reporting on macroeconomic and market developments, liaison with government institutions;
- Establishment of the “Austrian Business Circle” (NGO) for promoting bilateral economic ties;
- Organisation of trade fair participations (national booths) and trade missions
Deputy Head of Austrian Trade Commission in Tokyo and Commercial Attaché of the Austrian Embassy to Japan – August 1995 to November 1998
Main Activities:
- Advisory support to companies entering the Japanese market, sector surveys;
- Successful market launch of Austrian products in the sectors of food, timber, sporting goods and automotive parts;
- Organisation of trade fair participations and trade missions;
- Participation in EU Agricultural Counsellors meetings (chair during Austrian Presidency 1998);
- Interim Management of the Trade Commission
Deputy Head of Austrian Trade Commission in Brussels – September 1990 to August 1993
Main Activities:
- Export promotion of and support to Austrian exporting/investing companies in Belgium and Luxemburg;
- Organisation of trade missions, product presentations, wine tastings and trade fair participations;
- Participation as an Associated Member in meetings of “Eurochambres” (EU Chambers of Commerce).
2nd Deputy of Head of Austrian Trade Commission in Moscow and Commercial Attaché of the Austrian Embassy to the USSR – July 1986 to September 1990
Main Activities:
- Support to Austrian exporting companies active in the 15 Republics of the Soviet Union and the PR of Mongolia;
- Organisation of a multitude of trade missions, technical symposia and trade fair participations;
- Co-ordination of sector-specific Mixed Commissions (agriculture and food industry, wood processing, metrology, transport and statistics);
- Liaison with high-level representatives of government and professional organisations.
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